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PROMISE see for yourself:Rom12:6;1 Cor 12:7; Eph2:10


ever fill like you're expected to be someone you're not?Straight-A student?Club president?Perfect little angle?Sure,there are times when you need to venture out of your comfort zone and expect more of yourself than what comes easily for you.And God has given you natural inborn abilities that(as you begin to spot them) will shape the preson you are.He didn't just bundle up a bunch of leltovers and throw them your direction.Ha knew what He wanted to do in you what Ha wanted you to accomplish what He wanted you to be good at.And He knew exactly what you'd need in order to pull it off.He's placed spiritual gifts in you unique and powerful tools that shape the way you serve Him and relate to others-as a peacemaker an encourager a leader.You're not an afterthought but a complete package of Christlike potential waiting to be discovered and put into practice.And you can start living it today.Right where you are.with the poeple right around you.you'll be miserable being anybody else.




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